In neural prosthetic applications, cuff electrodes have been utilized for providing peripheral nerve electrical stimulation and signal sensation. 铐型电极为神经义肢的重要元件之一,可用于直接刺激感觉及运动神经元或感测感觉神经的讯号。
The time varying gradient field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI) system will result in peripheral nerve stimulation on human bodies. 目的:引入一种新方法预测磁共振成像系统对人体的外周神经刺激。
Methods Intraperitoneal injection ( ip) of hyperosmotic saline was used as peripheral hyperosmotic stimulation. 方法以腹腔注射高渗盐水作为外周高渗刺激。
Effects of Cytotoxicity of NK Cells from Peripheral Blood Patients with Cancer to Stimulation of SAV and/ or CPV SAV联合CPV对肿瘤病人外周血NK细胞的体外刺激效应
Methods: FACS, MTT were used to detect the number of CD_4~+ and CD_8~+ T cell in peripheral blood lymphocytes of rabbits vaccinated, the stimulation index ( SI) of the spleen lymphocytes transformation with cationic or anionic liposomal adjuvant vaccine of CJ. 方法:应用FACS、MTT法分别对CJ疫苗免疫新西兰兔外周血中CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞数的百分比及脾淋巴细胞转化率进行观察。
Objective To discuss the types of neurons in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus ( PVN) excited by peripheral hyperosmotic stimulation. 目的探讨外周高渗刺激激活下丘脑室旁核(PVN)神经元的细胞类别。
Objective To observe the change of IFN-γ secreted from mononuclear cells ( MNC) in human cord blood ( UCB) and peripheral blood ( PB) by stimulation of phytohemagglutinin ( PHA) in vitro. 目的对体外培养的人脐带血和外周血单个核细胞(MNC)以植物血凝素(PHA)刺激,观察培养上清中IFNγ含量变化。
Development of peripheral motor nerve evoked potentials induced by magnetic stimulation in children 小儿周围性磁运动诱发电位发育规律的研究
Objective: To test the hypothesis that peripheral electric stimulation ( PES) may suppress the reinstatement of morphine induced conditioned place preference ( CPP) in rats as well as the drug craving of detoxified heroin addicts in a frequency dependent manner. 目的:探讨外周电刺激(PES)是否能频率依赖性地抑制吗啡条件性位置偏爱(CPP)的复发和抑制海洛因成瘾者脱毒后的心瘾。
Induction of the release of central neuropeptides by peripheral electrical stimulation 能否通过外周电刺激引起中枢神经肽的释放
Experimental Study of Excitation of Peripheral Nerves in Transverse Electric Field Stimulation 横向电场作用下外周神经兴奋特性的实验研究
We reported that the expression of IL-2 gene in rat decreased distinctly with aging. In these further studies, DNA and protein synthesis and IL-2 production of WBC from human peripheral blood of different ages and different sexes were determined by PHA stimulation. 本文比较了不同年龄不同性别的人体外周血白细胞在PHA诱导下DNA和蛋白质合成的能力及IL-2的产生水平。
In order to explore a new way to study allogeneic reactive T lymphocytes, detection of cytokine-secreting T lymphocytes after allogeneic peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMNCs) stimulation and investigation of its clinical significance were performed. 本研究目的是测定同种异基因外周血单个核细胞(PBMNCs)刺激后分泌不同细胞因子的T淋巴细胞水平并对其临床意义进行研究,以建立一种监测同种异体反应性T淋巴细胞的新方法。
Clinical Application of Accelerating Peripheral Nerve Regeneration by Pulsative Electrical Stimulation 脉冲电刺激促进周围神经再生的应用
Spinal Microglial Reactions Induced by Peripheral Inflammatory Pain Stimulation 外周炎症性疼痛刺激诱发中枢神经系统小胶质细胞增殖活化
Peripheral substance P receptor mediating c-fos gene expression in the spinal dorsal horn induced by peripheral noxious stimulation 外周P物质受体介导伤害性刺激所致脊髓背角c-fos基因的表达
Quantitative bone histomorphometry about preventing and treating experimental osteoporosis of rat through stimulating peripheral nerve by functional electrical stimulation 周围神经功能性电刺激防治大鼠实验性骨质疏松的骨形态计量学研究
The Excitatory Effect of Peripheral Hyperosmotic Stimulation on the Neurons of Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus and Its Mechanism 外周高渗刺激对下丘脑室旁核神经元的兴奋作用及其机制
Study on value of peripheral segments of magnetic stimulation evoked potentials in healthy adults 国人磁刺激运动诱发电位周围段正常值研究
The IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-12 produced by peripheral mononuclear cell ( PMNC) of spleen after stimulation of E. multilocularis antigen were examined with Double-Antibody-Sandwich ELISA kits. The effects of ELP vaccine on the proliferation of spleen lymphocytes were evaluated by 3 H-TdR methods. 双抗体夹心ELISA试剂盒检测免疫鼠脾脏单个核细胞(PMNC)在受到特异抗原刺激后,产生IL4、IL12和IFNγ的能力,3HTDR掺入法检测脾淋巴细胞的增殖能力。
As for the articles, the most effective and practive methods are the electrical sacral nerve root stimulation ( ESNRS) and the peripheral stimulation. 这类方法操作较为简单,且疗效亦较肯定。综合文献报道及临床治疗效果看,较有治疗价值及应用前景的方法主要为骶神经根电刺激及外周效应器器官的直接刺激两种。
In conclusion: EPCs exist in the peripheral blood, and can be differentiated into mature ECs by the stimulation of VEGF, bFGF, IGF and EGF. 由此得出结论:外周血中确实存在EPCs,并且在血管生长因子VEGF、bFGF、IGF、EGF等的刺激下能分化为成熟的Ecs。
Objective To study the cytokine production of peripheral blood TCR γδ cells after stimulation with microorganism or parasite antigens. 目的研究自身免疫病人外周血TCRγδ细胞系在微生物及寄生虫抗原刺激下细胞因子的分泌情况。
Activating Function of Peripheral Nerve Fiber Under the Magnetic Stimulation 磁刺激下外周神经纤维激励函数的理论
This study using the micro electrode recording method investigated the electric activity of the pain units of the anterior cingulate cortex ( ACC) and its response mechanism to peripheral noxious stimulation in conscious paralytic rabbits. 用玻璃微电极记录方法在清醒麻痹的家兔上探讨扣带回前部(ACC)痛单位的电活动及其对外周伤害性刺激反应的可能机制。
OBJECTIVE: To observe the electrophysiological and histological changes in injured peripheral nerve following transcranial motor cortex magnetic stimulation and probe into the effect of such stimulation in promoting the functional recovery of damaged peripheral nerves. 目的:观察经颅运动皮质磁刺激促进周围神经再生的电生理和组织学变化,探讨其促进神经损伤后功能恢复作用。
Peripheral motor conduction time by electric or magnetic stimulation of spinal nerve root measurement of F wave latency. 周围运动神经传导时间可由电或磁刺激脊髓神经根测量F波的潜伏期而得。
The total RNA was extracted from freshly isolated patients 'peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC), without any stimulation. 即从刚诊断的未经治疗的系统性红斑狼疮病人中分离出新鲜外周血单一核细胞,不加任何刺激剂而提取出总RNA。
These studies showed that human eosinophils from peripheral blood could express CD69 after activation under stimulation of different cytokines. And eosinophils from airways of asthmatic patients also could express CD69. 这些研究显示,人外周血Eos在各种不同的细胞刺激因子作用下激活可表达CD69,哮喘患者气道中Eos也可表达CD69。